We've been spending a lot of time lately working on Twiddla's
API for Creating and Embedding Whiteboards. If you haven't checked it out, our API is a great way to add Whiteboarding functionality to your site. They make great Online Classrooms for Tutoring sites.
Now, even though it's always been easy to get up and running with the API, until now we haven't had a good way to let people test out advanced features such as Co-Branding and custom CSS and Javascript to completely customize the way the Whiteboard looks and feels.
This weekend, we introduced a way for developers to test out every last piece of the API without having to upgrade to a paid plan. We call it the API Sandbox account. It never expires, and it gives full API access, with just a few minor limitations to dissuade folks from trying to run a production site with it.
Pretty cool, eh? Take it for a spin and let us know what you think.
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